Welcome Home

genuine... visionary... creative... focused... persistent...

"The possibilities for expansion and expression are endless! When you know how to work with WordPress."

Classes, Courses, Tuition, Live Tech Support, Online Learning Portal. Hosted by C8ke Studio

Micro Skool is Ready! 😉

I have created a brand new multi-user, multi-site learning portal for you all! With a Private Video Library where content can be watched, and you can connect with your fellow Students!

Please visit www.c8ke.studio to learn more about your Teacher, see my Website Porfolio, amd learn about Web Design and WordPress as a business.

Please visit www.truckacake.com to learn more about Yoga With Cake!

Please Register or Login to the Video Library to see your Class or Course Content. Some is free, some is paid.

I will be making videos on all kinds of topics, not just WordPress or Yoga! To include, Life Hacks, Useful Info and Links and maybe even funny stories… 

Registration is Free! Everyone is Welcome… use the form below to show your interest…

Interested in Learning WordPress?Register Your Interest Here...

My First - 3 Day - Online Trial - WordPress Course is Coming Soon! Please Subscribe to show your interest.

Thank You and Welcome!

Micro Skool Infographic - Introduction to how C8ke Studio and Micro Skool works!

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